Monday, January 30, 2012


It was great fun to photograph these delic dishes for an upcoming restaurant event. Can't wait to share more edibles from this session... coming soon.

Gianni Gracen Photography

Thursday, January 19, 2012

At Last! Holiday Delights and Winter Wonders

How nice it is to reflect on these photos and think of the many dear friends we saw that chilly evening, enjoying the parade as well. The Holiday Parade is in the neighboring beach town to our little beach town.  Just one of the many things that make me stop in my tracks and realize.... we really do live in the best place on Earth.

      My friend, Leslie dubbed him Jim.... Jim Morrison

This photo was taken by Jaynie Sullivan.

Gianni Gracen Photography

Gianni Gracen Photography

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 Golden Globes

As this is the week leading up to the Globes, I found it a bit interesting, yet what a treasure, to open my computer this morning and these photos pop up. (This must be a sign that a reunion is in our future). A walk down memory lane... and what an incredibly blissful walk it was. My husband (aka ever-so genereous), suprised my best friend and I with this gift for my birthday, which happens to fall around Golden Globes time. It proved to be a bit challenging to shoot the Globes as a spectator, as you are not allowed to stand up during the Red Carpet. At the end of the Red Carpet... we had a new found super fun and wonderful Globes family, with whom we had shared this once in a lifetime experience. These folks were the fewer than 90 and also very lucky spectators that were seated near us. What a beautiful day it was.... literally and to share it with Georgia, my lifelong friend, .... memories I shall always cherish. 


Gianni Gracen Photography