As this is the week leading up to the Globes, I found it a bit interesting, yet what a treasure, to open my computer this morning and these photos pop up. (This must be a sign that a reunion is in our future). A walk down memory lane... and what an incredibly blissful walk it was. My husband (aka ever-so genereous), suprised my best friend and I with this gift for my birthday, which happens to fall around Golden Globes time. It proved to be a bit challenging to shoot the Globes as a spectator, as you are not allowed to stand up during the Red Carpet. At the end of the Red Carpet... we had a new found super fun and wonderful Globes family, with whom we had shared this once in a lifetime experience. These folks were the fewer than 90 and also very lucky spectators that were seated near us. What a beautiful day it was.... literally and to share it with Georgia, my lifelong friend, .... memories I shall always cherish.

Gianni Gracen Photography