Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving and so much to be grateful for.

The house smells delightful... of all of the things I deprive myself of all year long. How I love this day. The auroma of a bountyful Thanksgiving lingering. Outside the air is crisp. I will be posting more photos once our day of cooking, eating, relaxing and enjoying conversation with family and friends has come to an end. But for now here are some images to keep this space up to date.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Every So Often

I so love to photograph families. It is truly an honor to be a part of their world for that time. Every so often, I photograph little boys, who remind me much of my own little boys. One spunky, spirited and oh so precious. The other, reflective, more serious and oh so absolutely sweet. I loved to see the different sides of these two sweet boys and capture those moments. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October in Images

Because it is too difficult to choose just a few....

I love to take photographs and take so many (between personal and professional October was almost 800!). How I love to capture life in still frames. As always thank you for checking in and for your feedback and encouragement.